Monday, January 17, 2011

Three weeks until FR Malibu

Well, I have never had a blog before but I have been inspired by reading on the FR site. I thought I would start a blog to give myself some accountability and give you some background about me.

I have come to the realization that I would better off if I could just cut food out of life all together.  I have counted at least 6 times in the past 15 years where I have lost 30 to 70 pounds.  I have started diets countless more times than that and not made it past the 10 pound mark. I find it hard to get past the second week plateau.  I have clothes in my closet from a size 6 to size 16 (I donated the 18 and 20 when I lost the 70 lbs).  I am now back at size 16 and am determine not to buy anymore clothes.

I know how to diet, exercise and can lose the weight when I set my mind to it.  I lost 70 pounds in 5 months.  I just can't maintain.  I can restrict in order to lose the weight (cut out all white carbs, no deserts, etc) but I have trouble finding balance once I reach my goal.  To make matters worse, when anything stressful happens in my life, I find comfort in food.  I also find excuses not to make it to the gym.  I don't go and eat a bag of cookies, but I might eat a cup of ice cream per night and have second portions at dinner. 

I have always dieted on my own and I am hoping to look to others this time for support.  I need to figure this out.  I need help.  Something has to give.  I am tired of starting over.  I am hoping to find some answers at FR.

My Monday was January 2. 


  1. :) I am your first follower! Honored, to be sure.

    Can't wait until you get to BLR. You're just going to love it. They do a lot with emotional eating, too. And making healthy eating a way of life. You'll love the UT nutritionist. She's so focused. It's adorable.

  2. You sound so much like me. I am here for you anytime, find me on facebook or my blog. I think you will really appreciate writing down your blog. It helped me as I went back and read my february post and it got me right back on track. ((hugs))
